Advent - The Candle of Hope
This flame of hope is ignited
To cast its light on the road we have travelled.
For the very light that we have kindled,
Exists only because our God once declared that it should be.
And though we struggle to make sense of the world that surrounds us,
And pathways ahead are shrouded in uncertainty and foreboding,
We will not surrender to despair or indifference,
For God's purpose prevails, even when obscured by our expectations.
Its light draws our eyes away from the darkness;
The confusion and struggles of this earthly journey,
Not to escape or ignore their reality,
But to remember that in every circumstance God is present.
And spurred by the stories of God's hand in our history;
Inspired by the example of those who have been caught up in his purpose
We open ourselves to be servants of the most high;
To embrace the present, assured of God's faithfulness.
The Candle of Peace
The Candle of Love
The Candle of Joy
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