Advent - The Candle of Peace

We light this flame as those to whom God has spoken,
With lives touched by Word made Flesh in Jesus;
Believing that God’s word still sheds its light
On the chaos and concerns of human circumstances.

Its light is kindled in our world where many voices
Each clamour to be heard above the noise of worldly aspiration;
Seeking to silence any who might dare to contradict
Their narratives of division, falsehood and misrepresentation.

We hear the voices of the prophets,
Echo their message of truth in every generation;
Declaring God’s comfort to those who despair,
And challenge to those who believe this world to be their own.

We who believe God's word still speaks,
Light this flame to declare our readiness to listen;
Seeking peace through knowing that in the deepest despair,
Echoes of grace and hope can be at their most profound.

The Candle of Hope

The Candle of Love

The Candle of Joy

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